A Quilter for Quint (Mail-Order Mama Series Book 2) by Linda Carroll-Bradd

A Quilter for Quint (Mail-Order Mama Series Book 2) by Linda Carroll-Bradd

Author:Linda Carroll-Bradd [Carroll-Bradd, Linda]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Inked Figments
Published: 2021-04-01T20:00:00+00:00

Chapter Six

The next morning, Quint led Daisy into her stall and removed the lead rope. He stroked a hand along her neck. “You did so well, girl.” He gave her buckskin coat a quick brushing and ran the curved pick around the inside of her hooves. Pleased with how well the training session went, he figured he deserved a cup of coffee before bringing out the next horse. Before leaving the stall, he gauged the level in the water bucket as adequate.

As he sauntered toward the house, he counseled himself that he really was thirsty. Plus he wanted to check on his mamá and his son. A man’s job was to always be aware of his family’s safety. The unusual trip to the house mid-morning had nothing to do with the pretty traveler. After scraping his boots on the sisal mat, he stood at the bench next to the back door and used the bucket of water Mamá set out every morning. The thin bar of lye soap on the window ledge would need to be replaced soon. After washing his hands, he ran the damp towel over his neck and under his chin.

Once inside the kitchen, he walked to the stove and lifted the black enamelware pot. “Morning, Mamá.”

“Buenos días, er, morning. I was up late chatting with Ruby, and now I’m thinking in Spanish.” She rested her hands on the edge of the deep metal sink and looked toward the stove. “I assume you ate at the bunkhouse?”

Liquid sloshed inside, sounding like it would be enough. Grabbing a mug from the cupboard, he leaned a hip against the counter and poured. The rich scent teased his nose. “I did. And no apology is necessary.” After what she’d shared last night, he needed to be more sensitive to his mamá’s wish for socializing.

The outside door slammed.

Footsteps echoed down the hall then Gabrio ran into the room. “Holy cow, Papá.”

After first checking for torn clothes or blood, Quint glanced at his son’s flashing eyes. “Walk in the house, son. What’s got you so excited?” He set the pot back on the stove then pulled out a kitchen chair and sat.

“Did you see where lightning struck right by the privy?” He hurried to the kitchen table, scrambled onto a chair on his knees, and plopped his elbows on the edge. “It started a fire that could have burned up the whole house.” Looking between the adults, he blinked fast.

Mamá turned from the sink with a raised eyebrow. “I saw that burnt patch, too. But I didn’t hear a storm last night.”

“No storm. Miss Melisande got spooked by coyotes and dropped the lantern.” He shrugged, hoping the explanation would be the end of the subject.

“And she called you to help?” Mamá moved to stand behind Gabrio, dish towel dangling from a hand.

He glanced to his left to see two pairs of shiny brown eyes staring his way. Needing coffee after last night’s incident now seemed like a mistake. “Not exactly. I had to show her where the privy was.


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